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Food Forest

At the Permaculture Sydney Institute of Australia we designed a food forest in collaboration with the director and owner of the land.

The creation of the food forest has many benefits to the environment as well as people:

  • it will provide food for the inhabitants of the farm and the community and for the Valley’s next generations;

  • it reduces greenhouse gas pollution and C02;

  • it provides food, shelter corridors and habitat to animals and wildlife;

  • it guarantees regeneration of the landscape, improving soil and carbon;

  • it allows rehydration of the landscape, slowing water from running off site. 

As the design displays, trees are grouped into climatic and similar type: 

  • deciduous fruit and nut trees (brown section on the plan);

  • citrus (yellow trees on the plan);

  • mediterranean section (the olive green trees on the plan);

  • sub-tropical and tropical (the dark green on the plan).

Mandala garden, food forest, permaculture design | old doors new ways
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